Is York Stone Paving Cost Effective?
The cost of improving your home will often have an impact on the materials that you are able to use. It is not uncommon for people to spend a considerable amount of time sourcing the best and most cost effective materials possible.
York stone paving is one material that is loved by builders and home owners for a number of reasons.
Firstly when you use this type of paving you will be using a high quality material that will enhance the look of your home. Paving like this will look perfect for drives, paths and patios not to mention many other projects. As the stones look aged they are great for use with older buildings as they will fit in and not look new.
Secondly York stone paving is very cost effective which is one of the key points that you will be interested in. While it might be more expensive to buy than reconstituted stone, it will last for hundreds of years. Poor quality stone will tend to crack and split, which will mean replacing individual donors or an entire surface. As you would imagine, this will work out to be much more expensive than purchasing good quality stones in the first place.