We’re happy to report that Steptoe’s tri-annual plant and equipment auction was a great success! We had a flood of viewers on Monday and the online auction, (which was organised and managed by industry leading company Sanderson Weatherall) was very well ‘attended’ and bidding for the various lots was strong. It was encouraging to see the level of interest and shows that in the background of all this ‘Covid doom and gloom’ there is a construction industry out there ‘chomping at the bit’ to get back to normal and go forward.
Our thanks are extended to all the team at Sanderson Weatherall and to all our own ‘in-house’ staff and managers who are all now running around with the task of getting all the items handed over to the new owners
Moorfield Industrial Estate
Moorfield Way
what3words address: ///looks.sadly.crush
Steptoes Yard reclaims stone from demolition sites and quarries and supplies stone products to customers UK wide.
Company Registration No: 06013452
VAT Registration No: GB 732824633
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